Monday, May 10, 2010

How to create your personal vision

How to create a personal vision? 

It means rediscovering the dreams that we may have left behind.

Easier said than done, especially when we don't even know what our dreams are.

Elena Tuason-Verlee, a U.S.-trained and certified personal coach, gave a set of questions that could help us create our own personal and professional roadmap.  It's just a part of a greater and wonderful article in the February 2010 edition of Working Mom Magazine, an ABS-CBN publication.  I've posted the cover here.

Here are Elena's guide questions for a productive kind of introspection:

"1.  What do I want more of in my life?

2.  What do I want less of in my life?

3.  If money were no object and failure wasn't possible, what would my career be like?

4. What relationships do I need to nurture, or let go of?

5. What is my relationship to money?

6.  My secret passion or dream that I never mention because it's too big or unattainable to even think about is...

7.  What am I most afraid of?

8.  What accomplishments or measurable events must occur during my lifetime so that I will consider my lie to have been satisfying and well-lived; a life of few or no regrets?

9. What could I do that would bring more joy into my daily life?

10. What am I grateful for?"

Thanks, Elena!

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